What is a POAP?

Proof of Attendance Protocol


Note: DEGEN is not affiliated with the POAP.xyz team

POAPs are digital mementos, minted in celebration of life's remarkable moments.

~ https://poap.xyz/

They are badges that you can take with you anywhere in the digital world. They live in your Ethereum wallet and can be freely traded, transferred, or sold.

These badges have become immensely popular in web3 as they provide an excellent entry point for newcomers. The most common experience is hearing about an event online taking place on Discord, attending the event on the Discord platform, and then receiving a free badge for attending the event.

POAPs can be distributed anywhere at at time. There are various distribution methods that make use of QRs, direct platform integration, secret claimable codes, etc.

The cost of creating/minting the badge is almost non-existent since they are generally minted on layer 2.

Normally these POAPs have no value as they represent a freely distributed badge, but maybe, just maybe, that super rare event you attended might be worth something 20 years from now.

More details on POAPs can be found in the official FAQs https://intercom.help/poap/en/

Last updated