Twitter Spaces

Distributing POAPs on Twitter


This feature is still in beta. Please use with caution.

DEGEN is capable of distributing POAPs to participants on the Twitter platform. The community manager sets up the DEGEN Twitter Spaces event on Discord. Then they communicate the 'secret phrase' to their attendees. If the secret phrase is correct, then DEGEN sends the POAP link as a reply to the participant. The attendees direct message the phrase to the @DEGEN_POAP bot on Twitter and the bot sends back POAP link.

The secret phrase can be any alphanumeric word that is easy to remember and communicate. It is recommended to use a word that is short so that participants can use it to redeem their respective POAPs.

The current iteration of DEGEN has some limitations on how POAPs are distributed on Twitter. Consider filling out this prep form before the date of your Twitter Spaces event.

Please be sure to complete the prep form before starting a twitter event:

  1. Prep form should be completed

This steps are optional:

  1. Host Twitter account should be linked with DEGEN (optional)

  2. POAPs should be minted before the event (optional)

Let's walk through each of these steps.

Prefer video? Check out the loom video!

Linking a Twitter Account



On a Discord Channel with the 🤖-commands channel, run the command:

/account link

Choose Twitter as the platform.

/account link platform: twitter

Send the command and DEGEN will send you a link to Click on the link, follow the intructions and you're Twitter and Discord account will be linked through DEGEN!

Detailed instructions on linking your account can be found here.

You can also visit which will take you through the linking process.

Activate a Twitter Space

Check out Twitter's docs on hosting a Space.

Twitter spaces is typically only available on mobile devices. This is something twitter has a mobile-first approach.

On your mobile device, look for the compose button (feather) and long press it. Holding it down should reveal a new Spaces icon. Select the icon to then continue onto the Spaces setup. After going through each step, your Twitter Space should be active.

Starting a DEGEN Event

Pro Tip: use the tab key when entering the options


/poap start

On a Discord Channel with the 🤖-commands channel, run the command.

Choose the name of your event

Choose your duration in minutes

Detailed instructions on starting an event can be found here.

Running the command above should send a message into your private thread prompting you for a poap code.

This code can be any alphanumeric value. It represents a redeemable text that participants will need in order to get their respective POAP.

Prompt can be skipped by passing in the code as parameter when running /poap start.

Once code is passed, DEGEN may ask for the links.txt file. This is the file containing all of the minted POAPs for the event.

The event tracking has officially begun. DEGEN should return a message detailing participation requirements and the URL for the twitter spaces event.

Participation Requirements

After the link.txt file is passed and poap code is sent, you as a community organizer should receive your own POAP link for the event.

A message will get posted in the announcements channel if this is a community discord!

Ending an Event


/poap end

Running this command will stop the ability for participants to claim a POAP. DEGEN will return a message confirming the event has ended along with participant details. The total number of participants, total POAPs claimed, and the total number of unclaimed POAPs is returned.

Last updated