
Step-by-step guide on configuring and setting up DEGEN


If you are experiencing issues with setup, please try removing bot and re-inviting the bot.


DEGEN relies on a number of Discord permissions to function.

More information on Discord permissions can be found here and here.

Once DEGEN is invited onto the server, the setup process will initiate automatically. It's important that we understand each of these permissions and why it's needed. Let's go over each one.

Manage Roles

Upon inviting or executing /setup DEGEN for the first time in a discord server, a new role gets created. This role is Authorized degens. It allows users to start, stop, and distribute POAPs to eligible participants. It's up to the mod/admin to position the role appropriately so that the uploaded POAP links are only seen by users with the role.

Manage Channels

Two channels are created upon initializing DEGEN. A private bot command channel that allows event organizers to privately use DEGEN commands, and a public announcements channel. The public announcement channel informs users of the discord server when an event has started, when an event has ended, and most importantly, when a POAP distribution has carried out.

Read Messages

There are only two places DEGEN will read messages from.

  • Direct Messages (with DEGEN)

  • Private Command Channel

Only if you send a direct message to DEGEN, the bot will read that message and reply appropriately. Similarly, when an organizer is executing commands DEGEN will read the messages sent in the private command channel.

Send Messages

When a slash command is executed, a message is sent in the channel asking the user for input. Sometimes these messages are informational to describe what is happening.

Send Messages in Threads

Similar to **** Send Messages, a message is sent into a public or private thread.

Create Public Threads

A thread is created for every user for any restricted POAP command that is executed. The thread that is created is named in the format of "[username]-[tag]" i.e "Slinkypotato-1092". A public thread created under a private channel can only be seen by users who have access to the private thread.

Create Private Threads

Only certain discord servers can create private threads. This is a paywall restriction enforced by Discord and not the DEGEN team. Currently the bot does not create any private (under public channels) threads.

Manage Messages

In previous versions of the bot a message can be deleted. The future versions of the bot, a message might get pinned. After uploading links.txt that same uploaded message would get deleted to preserve privacy. Now the links.txt file is not deleted (please be careful who has the Authorized Degens role).

Manage Threads

This permission is required to allow the bot to create and delete threads. Threads are only created when a new user with the required role executes a POAP command.

When POAP links are distributed, this allows Discord to correctly embed the link with metadata on where the link originates from.

Attach Files

Previously the bot returned a participants.csv file. in the future, DEGEN might return a similar file with information about an event.

Read Message History

This allows DEGEN to read the messages within a thread and within the channel that DEGEN was executed.

Add Reactions

There could be a time in the near future that DEGEN reacts to messages with emojis.

Use Application Commands

This allows DEGEN to be used with application slash commands. Many of DEGEN's operational commands uses Discord's slash command system.



Upon first inviting DEGEN into your Discord server, the setup process should automatically execute.

In case the Private Command Channel is altered or the permissions are changed, DEGEN will stop working. If this happens please execute the setup command to re-initialize the threads and categories.

When setup is successfully executed, the following items are created:

Last updated